
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Detective Shows :)

These are one of my faveroite shows.
From shows like Sherlok homes to VIP, I have tried and mentioned one of the best shows.
I have been watching these shows since a long time now, and I am sure that you might have seen atleast one such show atleast. sometime :)

Yet, If you have not seen any detective show or you are interested in watching some more, here is a list of some shows for you. ( in no particular order )

1) Monk : Its a show created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian Monk.
Monk - Tv Show
             Mr. Monk suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and many phobias. He is searching for the murderer of his wife, Trudy and this disorder helps him spot every single clue. After he came to know his wife died, he went into depression and thus was removed from the police department . He works as a private police homicide consultant and undergoes therapy with the ultimate goal of overcoming his grief, taking control of his phobias and disorder, and being reinstated as a police detective.
Here is the link incase you would want to watch this show : Sidereel Link

CID Logo :)
2) CID: This is a show which is shown in India In Sony Ent. There are many spoofs on this show and this show is for tp ( time pass ). Its is about a team of detectives from the Crime Investigation Division of the Mumbai Police.Some episode of C.I.D. starts with a member of the team describing the events of a crime, which is followed by the crime being occurred, and the C.I.D being called out to interrogate the case. This show is for people who know about how detectives go about with stuff ( including the way they do in other detective shows ) and the main part is the way India see's it :)
CID has MANY Fans! I watch the show for the main reason that it tries to look supreeme compared to other shows :)
Show link: Some site ( not all episodes )
Some spoofs link:  Google videos

3) Castle : Its a show about A person/famous mystery novelist who has killed off his main character in his book series and has writer's block. Castle is called in to help the NYPD solve a copy-cat murder based on one of his novels. Stana Katic stars opposite as the determined detective Kate Beckett. Castle, becomes interested in Kate and uses her as the main charecter for his new book "Nikki Heat". Beckett, initially hates having Castle shadow her on her cases, but later she gets used to it and thinks of Castle as a useful resource in solving crimes. Technically Castle also features comedy and romantic tension.
Link to watch this show: Sidereel

4) VIP : Well, this is not exactly a dective show but is quite " interesting " ;-) You might have seen some yoga shows where we find Female's in weird positions ( you know what I mean ). Imagine those positions in a detecive show. Yes, now you are thinking right ( I hope)
To make you want to watch the show more, the lead Roles are played by

  • * Pamela Anderson *-- Vallery Irons, the glamorous figurehead.
  • Molly Culver -- Tasha Dexter, a former spy and model.
  • Natalie Raitano -- Nikki Franco, a weapons and explosives expert.
  • Angelle Brooks -- Maxine De La Cruz (Seasons 3-4, recurring seasons 1-2), Vallery's best friend.
  • Shaun Baker -- Quick Williams, a former boxer and martial artist.
  • Dustin Nguyen -- Johnny Loh (Seasons 3-4, recurring seasons 1-2), a karate master and stuntman.
  • Leah Lail -- Kay Simmons, a computer expert.
  • Gerry Anderson -- Relic (Recurring Character) , Undercover Detective, LAPD. Pamela Anderson's real-life brother.
The show is more focused on Pam and short/small clothes etc rather than on the main part i.e Solving Crime .But what the audience wants to see is the Front ;) but the show only shows the Back of all its chracters, either it is because of the editing done to the video for Indian audience or the show is itself like that. But the show is interesting ;)
Link to watch the show: Yidio ( not all episodes )

5) White Collar : Its about Neal. a forger and thief, who is captured after a three-year game of cat and mouse with the FBI. With three months left while serving a four-year sentence, he still manages to escape from a maximum-security federal prison to find Kate, his ex-girlfriend. Peter, a FBI agent who initially captured Neal, finds him at a dead end in his search and returns Caffrey to prison. This time, Neal gives Burke information about evidence in another case; but this information comes with a price:Neal proposes a deal with the FBI agent: he will help him catch other criminals as part of a work-release program. Burke agrees, after some hesitation. Through the successful apprehending of several white-collar criminals, Neal has proven to Burke that he will help him, and that he will not try to escape again. If i tell you more, its a spoiler :D
Link to watch the show: sidereel

6) Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes : One of the first and best detective shows. It is based on the simple logic, Person Murders->Sherlock Finds->Person goes to jail. It is very simple since it is quite old. If you ask people elder to you, u might get lots and lots of information.
Link to watch the show :sidereel

So what are you waiting for?
watch these detective Shows with the link i shared :)
I am not sure wether all episodes are included in the Sites whose links i shared.
I would recomened that you watch from the very first episode of which ever episode you are wanting to watch. ( I have shared a link )
I have shared the wikipedia articles links for the actor/actress names , I really love wikipedia for this :))

Ok then, please leave a comment, Let me know how this post is and follow me on twitter!


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