
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Metalhead's Guitar Guide

Are you a metalhead? do you want to play all your favourite band's guitar solos but don't know what guitar to start with??? you've come to the right place.
this guide I will teach you about guitars and how to choose the right one for you .

above I have labeled all the guitar parts that you will need to know about. but you may need to enlarge the image if it is unclear due to
blogger's lameness :(
anyway, let us begin with your tutorial .

the brands
when buying a guitar , it is important to choose your company very wisely . because every company has its "pros and cons" (LOL).
1)ibanez -

ibanez has always been known for the RG ans S series . both are well suited for heavy metal. not only are they excellent metal machines , they are also quite versatile. so if you change your mind about metal [boooooooooo :( ] it will still work well . ibanez has ,basically, has 3 production types . firstly there's the prestige line which is meant for professionals, but they are exceptional in terms of feel and so on . but they are quite pricey .then there's the non-prestige models which are also excellent in every aspect. but these are also not what I'd call "cheap" . and then there's the "gio" series . it sucks . these are really cheap. these are the ones to go for , if you are a beginner. these are really cheap (in guitar terms) . but if you have some "experience" , then buy a non prestige. to sum up , the gio series would usually range from 5000 to 20000 rupees . the non-prestige series goes from 20k to 40k. the prestige series is anything above 40k.

there are only 2 ranges that you should be looking at , for metal

the RG series is made ONLY for metal . by this I mean that they have really thin fretboards and look quite good . they sound ok-ish but ibanez isn't known for it's soundand pickups can be changed anyway. you will be tempted to buy one of these . but don't be fooled. I'd avoid an RG at all costs because the "edge 3 "tremolo(I'll explain this in detail later in this post) has major issues . the only reason for buying this would be because you haven't looked at the S series . if you really like the looks and the neck, then buy one with a fixed bridge . but this won't work if you are CoB or metallica fan because you need a tremolo for that.

the S series is brilliant. it has the same fretboard and pickups as the RG series , but you get a new , improved tremolo system cal
led the ZR (that sounds cool when you're in the mood to boast) and comes with a beautiful curved top , rather than the RG's flat one. I actually have one of these and there are NO problems that I could find . and I forgot to mention that the body is extremely thin but sturdy . it's shaped like a sword, thicker in the middle and thin at the edges. this is the better guitar to buy if you have enough money (or if you get it as a birthday present XD).

dean is an unsung hero of heavy metal. michaelangelo batio , dave mustaine , dimebag darrel(not anymore:he's dead) , glen drover : all use dean guitar and yet it's wikipedia page is terribly small . from its players, you can tell that they are known for the sheer metal-ness .if you want a dean, you would look at the razorback range if you want a tremolo and the dave mustaine VMNT range if you want a fixed bridge.

the razorback is quite excellent for metal the cheaper ones gave amazingly great sound compared to
some high end ibanez guitars. and that's because they are factory fitted with seymour duncan (or duncan design) pickups. there isn't much of a reason to not buy one , except for the shape . I think it's too "outrageous" . I don't think it'll age well, if you know what I mean.if you are a pantera fan, you want it instantly, but if you are a beginner, you can't afford one because a decent one costs more than 24k. but there is a MASSIVE range to choose from.

on the other hand, if you are a megadeth fan ( like me) you would definitely like dave mustaine's signa
ture guitar: the VMNT .I just love the shape . but the downside is that the cheaper ones come with lame pickups . but they can be changed . all the necks are made to mustaine's spec. I think I could live with the shape, but the only reason why you wouldn't buy one is that you need a tremolo and that's why I didn't buy it . if I did ever buy one , I'd change the pickups first.

if you want a guitar for heavy metal , you have to consider a jackson . they've been used by metal maniacs for years!!! and they specialise in metal
you should look at the X series .avoid the JS series at all costs- if someone tries to sell one to you , just RUN . run for your life . and the other series are unaffordable to any normal person.

if you're looking at the X series you should look at the WRXT , the KVX10 and the RX10D . all of them come with very good locking tremolo
systems and nice finishes. don't but a dinky style guitar because that beats the purpose of buying a jackson . jackson is known for its shapes.
these guitars also come with the same duncan design pickups which are nice but I would change them with something better. these guitars are identical in every way except for the shape. but if you want a fixed bridge , don't buy a jac

KvX10 - best looking of the 3

Rx10d - looks more "mature" than the others (but it looks like alexi laiho's guitar , but it isn't)

WRXT - the shape is a bit childish

they all cost around 28k . that is quite pricey but you get what you pay for ...
but the problem with these is that they are good ONLY for metal . they can't do much else .

if you asked me , I'd have the Rx10d for the looks, but it's your choice

that covers all the guitars a normal person would consider when buying one for heavy metal .

The price
when buying a guitar , one must also consider the price . one thing to keep in mind is that , when you buy a guitar , the more you spend , the more you get . this is true till a limit - about 50k .
so it is advisable to spend as much as possible and get what you need rather than what I did . I first bought a bad guitar and after a few years I couldn't bear it anymore. so I had to spend more later on to get an awesome one .

0 to 15000
for less than 15000 , it is advisable to buy a fixed bridge guitar because the trem will either be vintage (lame) or a licensed floyd rose which won't stay in tune properly
the only "good" guitars in this price range belong to the ibanez gio series
but don't buy anything that has the prefix "GRX" example- GRX20z
a decent fixed bridge guitar would be the GRG-121 which would cost you 11000 rupees. as I've said ibanez is the king of the "cheap guitar" market . so it will be quite reliable . but I'm sure it's quite bad to play. but it's cheap, so there's little you can do about it .
but if you HAVE TO buy a tremolo , just buy the GRG-270 . it won't be that bad , but it won't be great either.
don't go to any other brand for entry level guitars. ibanez is the best over here.

15000 to 30000
in this range , you are completely spoilt for choice . there are ESPs , BC richs , corts . but it's best to avoid these . especially avoid fenders and les paul style guitars . let me tell you that it is safe to buy a guitar with a tremolo. it will be good . unless it's a fender or something else with a vintage trem.
the best ones to buy are the jacksons which I mentioned above and the ibanez RG and S series which I also mentioned above. but there is also something I didn't mention above . schecter .
the C - style guitars are famous . especially their 7 string models . even jeff loomis uses one!!! but it would be best to change the pickups to EMGs . that's supposed to be a good combo:schecter+EMG .
some good tremolo-equipped models are-
ibanez S 420
ibanez RG 350
ibanez RG 370
jackson KVX10
jackson WRXT
jackson RX10d
schecter omen extreme FR

fixed bridge guitars
dean razorback DB
ibanez RG321
schecter damien 6

30000 to 45000
in reality, there's way too many guitars out there in this range but I've found the best ones for you

ESP(LTD) alexi 200
ibanez S570DXQM
jackson RR3
schecter damien special FR

Friday, November 26, 2010

Setting Up Gimp :)

I have copied this from my previous blog :)

Gimp is an image Manipulating Program which is Similar to Photoshop in many ways. It is Photoshop but free :) .


You can download it from :
Click here

The installation process is very easy.............just do whatever gimp says :)
* Note * : try and not change the installation folder............unless u will still remember the address of it :)

it should look like this :

Setting Up :

Rescale your toolbox to make 6 options per line, this gives it a nice layout and also gives you more space for making your images

Look in the toolbox........i.e the window in the right :)

U need to add tabs in order to use gimp properly and faster.

Do so by clicking on the "Triangle in the Box" icon  ( see image )

Click on that then -> add Tab 

Add the following tabs one by one :)

1) Brushes
2) Tool Options
3) Layers
4) Gradients

Then you have made Gimp ready 

Add these plugin's for helping you with editing images 

And incase you need can get 'em from here 

Congrats! You have now Set up Gimp! :D
Gimp Should look something like this now ( without the Plugins )

Monday, November 8, 2010


Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting. That’s the Wikipedia definition of dance............but what does it actually mean... I decided to find out.
Some say....when you registering the music and you move!!Shiamak Davar says 'Have feet Will dance'! Some say dance is when you express your soul ........Dance isn't a form it's a way of life. Some say Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. And some simply say "The people who do not dance are the dead." :P ( although some do not agree with this) For those who think so I say You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart!
It is also said Dancers aren't made of their technique, but their passion.

For that I’d like to tell you about a show called So You Think You Can Dance. So You Think You Can Dance is an American dance competition and reality show. A mixture of contestants are chosen for the show, ranging from unknown street dancers to winners of national championships. Over the course of the show, dancers are assigned different dance styles and partners each week to test their versatility. And the type of maturity that the dancers show is marvelous. How they adapt to a new dance style every single week is astonishing! A recommended show indeed!
Dance is different for everyone…..a way of life….expression of soul…..or maybe even their life……..i think
Dancing is like dreaming with your feet............
We dance for laughter,
We dance for tears,
We dance for madness,
We dance for fears,
We dance for hopes,
We dance for screams,
We are the dancers,
We create the dreams.”

Sunday, November 7, 2010

High School Hysteria

ok....lets admit it ....high school has been a very important part of our lives (well most of our lives...anyway) and we have all been through those wedgies and swirlies (either on the giving of the recieving .....or the viewing end atleast, and if ur not in either of them...well, screw u!) so heres the gist...why us?? why now?? i mean assuming the fact that the world is gonna end in like 2 years and 15 days, why do i have to put up coming and being a part of this "shit or be shat on" cycle of life??

waiting for my answer, lemme give u a quick brief (not that brief u corrupt person) on how high school life is , its a predator prey relationship, a food cycle (like i said...shit or be shat on) and the "organisms" feeding here are as follows:

1) the cool people : to be elaborate, there are no cool people in my college, or hardly any in colleges around the world, even with a billion people around me , i cant find one (i know.....its fascinating)

2)the THEYTHINKTHEY'RECOOL people : oh yeah .. u see them everywhere , they're worshiped like gods...gods??....MEGAGODS!! u will see the "spoon" species with these ppl all the time....the hell they're cool!..they're only rich...they suck at almost everything i can imagine, and end up looking like one of those monkeys who hardly knows how to build lego buildings.

3)the jocks: the normal guys who just roam around , oblivious of anything else in the world, upto and including themselves

4)the geeks: the download portals, the internet w**res, the i-was-so-hooked-in-this -game-i-shat-on-my-chair people

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Detective Shows :)

These are one of my faveroite shows.
From shows like Sherlok homes to VIP, I have tried and mentioned one of the best shows.
I have been watching these shows since a long time now, and I am sure that you might have seen atleast one such show atleast. sometime :)

Yet, If you have not seen any detective show or you are interested in watching some more, here is a list of some shows for you. ( in no particular order )

1) Monk : Its a show created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian Monk.
Monk - Tv Show
             Mr. Monk suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and many phobias. He is searching for the murderer of his wife, Trudy and this disorder helps him spot every single clue. After he came to know his wife died, he went into depression and thus was removed from the police department . He works as a private police homicide consultant and undergoes therapy with the ultimate goal of overcoming his grief, taking control of his phobias and disorder, and being reinstated as a police detective.
Here is the link incase you would want to watch this show : Sidereel Link

CID Logo :)
2) CID: This is a show which is shown in India In Sony Ent. There are many spoofs on this show and this show is for tp ( time pass ). Its is about a team of detectives from the Crime Investigation Division of the Mumbai Police.Some episode of C.I.D. starts with a member of the team describing the events of a crime, which is followed by the crime being occurred, and the C.I.D being called out to interrogate the case. This show is for people who know about how detectives go about with stuff ( including the way they do in other detective shows ) and the main part is the way India see's it :)
CID has MANY Fans! I watch the show for the main reason that it tries to look supreeme compared to other shows :)
Show link: Some site ( not all episodes )
Some spoofs link:  Google videos

3) Castle : Its a show about A person/famous mystery novelist who has killed off his main character in his book series and has writer's block. Castle is called in to help the NYPD solve a copy-cat murder based on one of his novels. Stana Katic stars opposite as the determined detective Kate Beckett. Castle, becomes interested in Kate and uses her as the main charecter for his new book "Nikki Heat". Beckett, initially hates having Castle shadow her on her cases, but later she gets used to it and thinks of Castle as a useful resource in solving crimes. Technically Castle also features comedy and romantic tension.
Link to watch this show: Sidereel

4) VIP : Well, this is not exactly a dective show but is quite " interesting " ;-) You might have seen some yoga shows where we find Female's in weird positions ( you know what I mean ). Imagine those positions in a detecive show. Yes, now you are thinking right ( I hope)
To make you want to watch the show more, the lead Roles are played by

  • * Pamela Anderson *-- Vallery Irons, the glamorous figurehead.
  • Molly Culver -- Tasha Dexter, a former spy and model.
  • Natalie Raitano -- Nikki Franco, a weapons and explosives expert.
  • Angelle Brooks -- Maxine De La Cruz (Seasons 3-4, recurring seasons 1-2), Vallery's best friend.
  • Shaun Baker -- Quick Williams, a former boxer and martial artist.
  • Dustin Nguyen -- Johnny Loh (Seasons 3-4, recurring seasons 1-2), a karate master and stuntman.
  • Leah Lail -- Kay Simmons, a computer expert.
  • Gerry Anderson -- Relic (Recurring Character) , Undercover Detective, LAPD. Pamela Anderson's real-life brother.
The show is more focused on Pam and short/small clothes etc rather than on the main part i.e Solving Crime .But what the audience wants to see is the Front ;) but the show only shows the Back of all its chracters, either it is because of the editing done to the video for Indian audience or the show is itself like that. But the show is interesting ;)
Link to watch the show: Yidio ( not all episodes )

5) White Collar : Its about Neal. a forger and thief, who is captured after a three-year game of cat and mouse with the FBI. With three months left while serving a four-year sentence, he still manages to escape from a maximum-security federal prison to find Kate, his ex-girlfriend. Peter, a FBI agent who initially captured Neal, finds him at a dead end in his search and returns Caffrey to prison. This time, Neal gives Burke information about evidence in another case; but this information comes with a price:Neal proposes a deal with the FBI agent: he will help him catch other criminals as part of a work-release program. Burke agrees, after some hesitation. Through the successful apprehending of several white-collar criminals, Neal has proven to Burke that he will help him, and that he will not try to escape again. If i tell you more, its a spoiler :D
Link to watch the show: sidereel

6) Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes : One of the first and best detective shows. It is based on the simple logic, Person Murders->Sherlock Finds->Person goes to jail. It is very simple since it is quite old. If you ask people elder to you, u might get lots and lots of information.
Link to watch the show :sidereel

So what are you waiting for?
watch these detective Shows with the link i shared :)
I am not sure wether all episodes are included in the Sites whose links i shared.
I would recomened that you watch from the very first episode of which ever episode you are wanting to watch. ( I have shared a link )
I have shared the wikipedia articles links for the actor/actress names , I really love wikipedia for this :))

Ok then, please leave a comment, Let me know how this post is and follow me on twitter!


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